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缤FUN英语/"I" versus "Me"\大专院校语文讲师、企业培训讲师及国际英文公开试主考官 Miss Carol

2021-05-10 04:24:02大公报

  写作的时候,我们有时会为代名词(pronouns)而烦恼,不懂得什麼时候用"I" ,什麼时候用"me"。 

  一般来说,当我们描述单独或与其他人一起的活动时 (represents the‘doers’of the action described by the verb),使用代词 "I"。当我们以某种方式直接或间接地接收动词的动作时 (usually represents a person who experienced the action described by the verb) 使用代词 "me"。当一个句子有一个複合主语或宾语 (compound subject or object) 时,可能很难知道使用哪一个,特别是很多人在spoken English中使用主语位置 (subject position) 的 "me" 和宾语位置(object position) 的 "I" ─其实这是可以接受的。

  以下句子我们应该使用the subject pronoun "I". 在每一句当中, "I" is the subject of the verb.

1)My friend and I went to a 4-people lockdown party.

2)I gave Tom a belated birthday present yesterday.

3)Before we left, Serene and I said goodbye to the host. 

  以下句子我们使用the object pronoun "me" 。在每一句当中, "me" is the object of the verb.

1)Peter gave me a bouquet of flowers out of the blue.

2)Billy was bullying me and Sheldon.

3)John told Maggie and me to wait for him at the station. 

  在以下句子当中很多情况我们也用了the object pronoun "me". 在每一句当中, "me" is the object of a preposition.

1)A strange person at the corner of the street stared at me for an hour.

2)Flora and her neighbours gave the present to me.

3)My new student wanted to sit with me and Ada at lunch. 

  以英语为母语的人,经常在subject position採用 "me" 以object position採用 "I". 如果是一般比较轻鬆的对话是可以接受的,但我认为我们应该避免在formal writing使用。

  在轻鬆对话的情况下,以下句子 "me" and "I" 的位置是可以接受的:

1) The teacher gave the German grammar books to Denise and I to hand out to our fellow classmates.

2) Me and my husband are going to dine in a new restaurant tonight.

3) My students called David and I to thank us.

Well, sometimes, I don't like pronouns because they are so confining ; except singular  "they". Singular "They" can be used as unknown individuals ; someone do not like to fit in a gendered pronoun. 就是喜欢这个 "they" 多点“玩法”。


