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缤FUN英语/不太微小的Small Talk

2021-10-25 04:27:09大公报

  上星期我们提及一般社交英语常用的文字,今期我们尝试深入一点,介绍Small Talk语文、题材及技巧。

  Small Talk是指在社交场合中跟一些素未谋面的人交谈,题材大部分也是比较轻松的,例如天气、运动、时下节令、国际盛事等等;重点是要以不重要但大家关注的题材展开一个对话,从而建立长远及有建设的关系。看似很容易掌握,但也有很多初出茅庐的在职人士因为不懂得选择适当的题目而开罪别人,又或是把场面弄得尴尬。

  除了“How are you? I am fine.”之外,最主要寻找共同话题。如果是在一个展览会或工作坊,大家可以讨论前来的目的,各人的公司背景、学校背景、选修科目等等。


  Hello. Is this your first time here/ in...?

  Are you based near here?

  Where is your school?

  Where is your company based?

What does your company/ division/ team/... do?

  Where do you work?

  Do you work near here? / Is your office/school near here?


  Hello.  What a coincidence! / This is a lovely surprise.

  Hello.  I didn't know that you were interested in such an essay writing workshop .../ that you were in the area/ that you...

  What brings you here (today)?

  Are you here for/ to...?

  (Have you) been busy (lately/ recently/ today/ this week)?

  How was your excursion / weekend / Chinese New Year holiday / Christmas?

  How's (your project) going?

  How's life (treating you)?

What are you working (on at the moment)?

  It's (a bit/ rather/ quite/ really/ so) / cold / hot/ humid / overcast ..., isn't it? (Is it usually like this (at this time of year))?



  I'm chuffed / delighted / happy/ pleased / relieved/ to hear that.

  That sounds great/ fabulous / fantastic / gracious / lovely/ nice/ perfect / wonderful.  (I am happy for you.)



  I'm (deeply / so) sorry to hear that.

  That's a pity. / That's a shame. / That's too bad.

That sounds devastating / disappointing / stressful / terrible / awful.

•有礼貌地完结Small Talk

  It was (really/ very/ so) nice to meet you.

  Well, it's been great to talk but I have to / must excuse myself ...

  Alright then, I'd love to chat more/ hear more about that ... (but...)

  I'm afraid/ Unfortunately/ Please accept my apology / I'm sorry but I have another meeting at... (o'clock) (so...) (I'll ping you an email.)

  We have a lot to get through today (so...)

•The NO NOs

  什么话题要避免?一般私人事情也不应该在Small Talk当中提及。



  避免敏感话题,例如跟政治、宗教及种族有关的也建议尽可能避免;Small Talk大前提是整个对话气氛应该是和谐轻松的。

  Sometimes, it's the little things that matter in life.

  大专院校语文讲师、企业培训讲师及国际英文公开试主考官 Miss Carol

