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2019-02-22 03:17:38大公报

  Cluster (noun)

  ●A group of things of the same kind that are very close together.(群,串)

  1.Most galaxies are found in clusters rather than in isolation.  

  2.From the airplane we could already see little clusters of houses.

  Be of help to sb/sth (phrase)

  ●If someone or something is of help, they make a situation easier or better.(对……有帮助)

    1.Can I be of help to you?  

    2.He knew the files could be of help to whoever  took over the job.

  Take the lead (in doing sth) (idiom)

  ●To be the first to start doing something or be most active in doing something.(率先,领头)

  1.It shows what is being done right now by companies taking the lead.  

  2.The U.S. took the lead in declaring war on terrorism.

  Poised to (do sth)

  ●Ready to do something; in the right position to do something.(做好準备,摆好姿势)

  1.The cat is poised to jump on the mouse.  

  2.We were all poised to work long hours to finish the project in time for the holidays.

  Factor in sth (phrasal verb)

  ●To consider information that might influence a result.(将……纳入考虑、列为重要因素)

  1.You'd better consider this and factor this into your decision making.  

  2.Total spending was virtually the same in real terms after factoring in inflation.
