The idea of "opening doors to foreign countries first" must be given up without hesitation
Hong Kong is isolated in quarantine for a long period of time, and it remains unknown when its border with the Mainland can be reopened. It goes without saying that Hong Kong residents feel very anxious. Unable to wait any longer, some individuals suggest that the SAR Government consider opening doors to foreign countries first. Such a proposal in essence is equivalent to ask us to follow the example of Europe, the United States and some other places and resort to "coexisting with the epidemic", which not only goes against the main-stream public opinion in the SAR but also is infeasible. Thus it is a wager that is bound to lose. Hong Kong society must give up such thinking and make an all-out effort to strive for re-opening the border with the Mainland as early as possible. First of all, in view of the popular will, the majority of Hong Kong residents hope to reopen the border with the Mainland first. Although Hong Kong is an international metropolitan, the overwhelming majority of Hong Kong people are Chinese in nationality. Their hometowns or home-villages are in the Mainland and their aspiration to go back visiting relatives is very strong. The Mainland is also a major investment destination for Hong Kong business people, who need to travel there to take care of their businesses. Personnel exchange between Hong Kong and the Mainland is the most frequent. There are now more than half a million permanent Hong Kong residents living in Guangdong province alone. Hong Kong people's greatest wish is to end the pain of living separately in two places. From the perspective of the Greater Bay Area construction and Hong Kong's integration into the overall situation of national development, reopening the border with the Mainland is in Hong Kong's best interest.
Secondly, Hong Kong at present has yet to satisfy the requirements for reopening its doors to foreign countries. Putting aside the scientific and moral risk factors in "coexistence with the epidemic", those European countries and the U.S. which have adopted the policy of "coexistence with the epidemic" have one thing in common, which is that each of them has a high vaccination rate – up to 70-80 per cent. Even so, they still all suffer sharp rebounds of the epidemic situation with death cases increasing again. The vaccination rate in Hong Kong has yet to reach 70 per cent. If we now recklessly decide on opening doors to foreign countries, it will surely result in sharp increase in both confirmed cases of infection and deaths. Then medical resources will be squeezed and the economy suffer huge losses. Is this what Hong Kong society want to see?
Singapore provides the best example in this regard. It used to strictly enforce a "zero infection" policy, with both the numbers of confirmed cases and deaths remaining quite low. Because of this the country had been once praised as an "anti-epidemic model". With vaccination rate reaching 83 per cent, Singaporean government then thought it had enough "capital" to coexist with the virus. The reality however turned out to be vary scaring. Since it adopted the policy to coexist with the epidemic in August, the daily number of confirmed cases kept setting new record high, which went up to nearly 4,000 the day before yesterday. And in two months, the accumulated number of confirmed cases already exceeded 90,000, more than the total sum of confirmed cases in the past year. On average, there were seven deaths each day, and in the worst case there were 14 deaths in a single day. By comparison, total deaths in the past year were just a little bit more than 20. Singaporean government now has no choice but to tighten anti-epidemic policy again. In spite of all this, the U.S. still categorises Singapore as one of the highest risk countries.
Both Hong Kong and Singapore are urban economies, hence they have certain comparability. Yet they take different approaches towards fighting the virus, which attracts much attention. Recently, public opinion in Taiwan has made a comparison of Hong Kong's "every-life-counts" mode with Singapore's "at-all-cost" mode, and concluded that Hong Kong was a better example to follow. From this, it can be said that Hong Kong performs better than many other places in fighting the virus and is seen as relatively successful, despite there are still quite a few loopholes to be plugged. There is no reason for Hong Kong to give up its pursuit of "zero infection" and follow the extremely high-risk example to reopen its "closed doors" to foreign countries.
It must also be pointed out that, if Hong Kong gives up the "zero infection" policy and opens doors to foreign countries first, it is meant the day to reopen the border with the Mainland will become even farther away as risks will grow. Will Hong Kong people be willing to accept this?
In the final analysis, whichever anti-epidemic strategy to be adopted is dependent on the national circumstances and popular will in a place, and either way there is a price to pay to a certain degree. The crux of the matter lies in whether the focus is on long-term interests or imminent interests, whether the policy is in the interests of a minority of people or in Hong Kong's overall interests. Whole society must see clearly the target and set the right direction to single-mindedly put reopening the border with the Mainland on top priority. As long as requirements for reopening the border with the Mainland are satisfied to let the Mainland society rest assured, the border reopening will happen without extra effort.
21 October 2021